Tuesday 22 February 2011

Would you laugh or cry in disgust???

Hey everyone, I hope your week is turning out well, mine has been interesting. Also, thanks for the comments, that was very inspiring I must say.

Well I’ve spent most of my spare time on the internet, and I came across some videos. Some of them got me lost in my choice of laughter and/or disgust. Well, i thought I’d share a few of them with you all, Would you laugh or cry in disgust???

Some comments from this video:
dwrightstheman: "Dru Hill should sue that bitch for defamation of music!"

charliediorlovett: "like y would she do that 2herself, she's embarrassing herself ! && she a teen at that ! this is not funni this is sad, && is on tha net at that this will 4eva hunt her smh.."

Some comments from this video:
iemfukup: "This is absolutely terrible, but like a car accident I can't stop watching.."

Queasim: "LMAO you have no idea how much me and my freinds quote you everyday. We'll be sat in a lesson and someone will randomly say 'men are stoopid, i dont even respect them' followed by someone else saying 'oh oh ooooooh ooooooooooooooh' Hahaha you are a legend !"


Some comments from this video:

angelsanddmon20: "of ALLLLL SHIT I've heard in my life this has got to be the worst PIECE of shit and a bad excuse for a video.. your not American you cant even get the accent right and you got wasted chicks not to mention cars in that shit hole.. bout throwing fake 1dollar bills.. GET A LIFE AND GO GET A DECENT EDUCATION.. bout yeaa men.. silly asshole"
shadowlandsdropout: "This is actually a disgrace.

I can't believe you call this real music, I'm so embarassed to be from the same country as you.
You need to rethink your life and stop wasting time, you're getting nowhere - all you're doing is making a fool out of yourself.
I'm sorry for those who know you."

Some comments from this video:
boneboy90: "Guy let`s encourage him...He's up coming and he still have a lot of good entertainment to offer.!!"

menticz: "you got to be fucking kidding me!!...u should go flash your head down the toilet or jump off a bridge cos am sure u'll be better at that than singing!!!.......oohh and next time, use a better camera for your videos, learn English and go borrow some nice cloths!!....u a fucking disgrace but u made my night tho'.........."


  1. Yeeaaaahhhhh!!!!! First to comment.
    i would laugh, at Queen of vagina and definitely at After party. I may cry for the black teenager though, she's too young for such humiliation. Cant wait to see more of your posts Chizy K. I found one too

  2. Thanks A there will be more too come

  3. Personally people's stupidity amuse me. I remember how hard we laughed when we watched "show me ur genitals" together. Interesting page u have here. Now im not sure the emotion..Is it disgust or does it make me LOL? I guess its a mixture of the two. Nice work Chizy!

  4. The first is really embarrasing but the last two are the worst! Is he a real musician? Hahaha...

    Welcome to blogging!

  5. @ The, thanks so so much
    @Myne, He is apparently lol, anyway thanks so much

  6. LOL...actually, none of the videos is funny...but I feel like crying so much that I might just end up laughing...u get?

    That last guy...good lord! he's not a real musician I hope...As for the young lady undressing herself in d 1st pic, that is just sad.

    Welcome to blog world Chizy K...

  7. hahaha! that dude is such a rockstar,lool #dead
    saw his videos on some other blog last mnth and i spent like an entire hour laughing,lol
    the girl in all his videos looks lyk she's being forced to appear on camera..lol
    Majela is an idiot, plain simple. she shld be jailed abeg,lool

  8. jail??? lol....
    By the way thanks for ur comment

  9. The teenager sure can dance, but she would have worn shorts not or something, why is she showing us her pata.

    As for madam genitalia, I don't even know what to say, she is just ridiculous.

    And Musician Vic.O, abi na artist I go call, needs to go find his calling, cos music is definitely not it.

    welcome to blogsville

  10. the first vid is sad.i keep imagining if her parents walked in on her embarrasing herself like this. That might be a career to her anyway

  11. Am shocked..... oooh lord pls help the fat girl.....

  12. I am still trying to figure out what that THICK GIRL was thinking..Its Crazy how we live on this planet..May God save us all..

  13. LMAO!! But people are harsh oh! Just look at those comments. Lol


  14. I am not ashamed to admit that Vic. O had me dying of laughter! 'cool fun' no no I couldn't stop laughing. because sadly the guy is serious! lol!

  15. OMG! Have you seen the clip floating about with the Queen of Vagina auditioning for XFactor? I wanna crawl in a hole and die! WHY DID SHE HAVE TO BE IBO?!?!?!?

    Xisses, Onyxsta


  16. Thanks guys for the comments
    @OnYsta is she really ibo? lol.... yyyyyy


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Feel free to share them below ... Chizy K

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