Sunday 20 February 2011

Who will dis-virgin my blog???

Hey people, I’ve been on here stalking most of you for a while, but this is my first time blogging ever, and I am really excited. I don’t know about you all, but being the Nigerian girl that I am, the sunshine is my inspiration to do so many things. Ok Ok Ok I know it isn’t officially spring, and I know though last week‘s weather was awesome, this week has been a right mess but honestly, I have been locked up in the house and stuck in seriously heavy coats for way too long , by the way, I find it really hard to believe some people actually prefer winter, like are you being serious????

Anyway  the point is, in my dictionary it is spring, so I’m out of my shell and I should be enjoying my morning jogs ( I haven’t done that in like forever, I don’t know how I stay a size 8 considering the quantity of food I consume), I would also be saying hi to the pensioners (yeah they love my smile), and having my next door neighbours smile at me (in my neighbourhood they only do that in the summer and I’m yet to figure out why), most of all spring/ summer shopping (yesssss). You can’t beat that, it’s like the best thing  spring/ summer brings to me (I believe winter shopping is a waste of money, by the way, I tend to repeat my winter clothes year after year) I hope my friends haven’t noticed … guess they have now

Well guys, I’m off for a  walk (in my Shorts … God help me, its 3 degrees out there and I can’t see anyone smiling), anyway I look forward to sharing my thoughts, observations and gossips with you all, for now, I’m off … By the way, who dis-virgins my blog???


  1. I did!!!! Ha ha! Your font color is too dark with the background. It makes it hard to read.

  2. thats your answer .. --> Sting

  3. Damm - 3rd. So how was ur 3 degreess..!!!

  4. @Madame yes you did. You're right, i'm still trying to figure the fonts out. thx babe
    @okon, it wasn't funny trust me, it lasted only 10 minuites, good thing i decided to go out in jeans

  5. loooooool walk in shorts?? ur funny!!xx

  6. hehe walk in 3 degrees? ...that should be quite interesting...Welcome to bloging looking forward to read some more

  7. Thanks a lot @ Ms Yellow, there would be more to come xoxo

  8. Welcome to writing on Blogville....hope you find it as awesome as i have....

  9. Thanks a lot Funms, i am enjoying every bit of it

  10. i want so bad to take the v card but i guess am just gonna have everyone's sloppy

    we could have hook up though if you flirt with my blog...

  11. Welcome!! Hope you enjoy the bloggercoaster :D

  12. :( I am late.... I couldn't link ur user to the blog for the longest time. anyways.. welcome to Blog-ville. please write more about walking/ jugging. i need inspiration to get out of my house! I hope you have fun here.

  13. i missed it by two weeks. welcome to blogsville dear.


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