I need to first laugh at their outfits (hehehehehehehe) *phew*
Someone must have done a thorough house cleaning or so to have found this CD case. Just as the cover says, 'the beginning', this CD was the first of their career together- Black face, faze and tuface. They must have had big dreams for the group back then.
Now, Black face is nowhere in the music industry, Faze is struggling to stay on and Tuface has made a name for himself big time. Funny how everything changes with time.
How do you think Plantashun boiz would have been if they didn't split up?
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Fall Together!!!! Blackface is Trying his best!! He Lately Released "Azonto Fiesta" !! Working with the Taste of Nigeria. Faze is trying too. They're some where. You Never Knew them Right???? Now they're here.. We talk bout them err time. Tu face Went Straight to what the Crowd Wants and Lit the Fire Up!! Lol. I love them. No Homo
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