Gone are the days when men did not care about their physical appearance. They left their hair messy, skin dry and calloused, hardly had their bath and didn't care about their odor. In recent times, more and more guys have been embracing healthy/beauty techniques to better their looks while still maintaining their manly look. Here are some body care tips to try that would leave you feeling good and draw a woman's attention anytime.
Beards preference. Men have kept beards of varying lengths ranging from a day old growth to beards longer than Osama's own. Which ever look you prefer, make sure you keep it looking neat and clean. Trim them regularly, wash and dry as needed.
Shaving methods. A lot of men are wary of this because of the fear of bumps and black heads. This can be done with shaving sticks, razors, electric shavers e.t.c. Electric shavers tend to be harsher than traditional razors so try pulling your skin as tight as possible when using electric shavers for better results. For traditional blades, damp your face with a warm wash cloth and apply shaving cream while wet. Make sure to use sharp blades to avoid irritation.
Make use of moisturizers and sunscreen. This is not meant for women alone. It would help protect the skin from damages caused by the sun rays.
Do not pick your face. Keep your hands away from your face as much as possible. Also wash your face and body regularly. This would help open your pores and let your skin breathe. It also reduces the case of body odor.
Most men cringe at the thought of make up. But this can be used to cover rough skin areas and blemishes. It also helps protect the skin. Also, watch your skin type to know the kind of cream to use. If you have an oily skin, opt for body creams that won't make it worse.
Wear lip balm to prevent chapped lips. Lips that are dry and peel can be a total turn off.
Keep your toenails and finger nails trimmed and clean. Also trim your nose hair every now and then. Consider trimming your armpit hair in hot weathers. Less hair, less bacteria, less odor. Deodorants won't be a bad idea too.
Nothing is worse than saying hi and everyone steps back because of your mouth odor. Keep your mouth clean by brushing twice a day(scrub your tongue well). Also make use of mints and mouthwash during the day.
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