Thursday, 21 February 2013

PHOTOS: Ego Omalicha Gives Us Her Best Pose


Ego Omalicha is an upcoming singer, ex first lady of Questionmark Entertainment. She's someone who believes that the end justifies the means. She puts in all her energy to achieve her targets.  Her first single, “Omalicha Nwa” translates to a beautiful child drew favorable comments from the industry, thus encouraged Ego to forge ahead.

She once said that "There are lot of things I want to explore in myself; I have this cool me, then the funny me, creative, wild me, lots of me in me. I just try to express myself with my pictures and people seem to love them a lot.

"I don’t really care about what people think about me. I don’t want to attempt to change that belief. I am who I am. Just like every other human being aspiring to make it big, I am no different. I do what I have to do to get where I want to be, just as I am today" Ego

Hopefully she didn't fall off the sink while striking a pose

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  1. still why she has to stand on the sink beats me

  2. All her poses are tacky. What's the point of posing in a sink?

  3. Guess its the kitchen side ƒ her

  4. Nice one kitchen side of her

  5. If she fall for there now,she go say her enemies,what the hell is she doing ontop of a sink...very local posing.....!


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