Friday 27 January 2012

Did You Enjoy The Planking Craze? Well The New Craze In Town Is 'Tebowing'

The very sexy  American football player, Tim Tebow from whom the name 'Tebowing' was adopted 
Yes you heard right, since 'Planking' rocked Nigeria with our celebrities - including the females - participating, others like 'owling', the much loved 'Horsemanning' and the very disgusting 'Teabagging' has rocked the internet internationally, now it's Tebowing.

In a few word, Tebowing is planking but just a little dumber, according to tebowing means "to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different."

Click READ MORE to see more photos of internet lovers tebowing. 
By the way, would you join the new craze?

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Twitter: ChizyK

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