Wednesday 2 November 2011

Osita Iheme aka PawPaw Discusses His Small Physique And Father's Murder

In an interview with Entertainment Express, Osita Iheme aka Pawpaw discusses his size and how his father was murdered.
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I was a normal child while growing up, I am an adult, I am not a child. At anytime, I don’t feel like a child. I was born in the early 80s. I mark my birth every 20th of February. I was a normal baby when I was born. I can’t say that this was when I stopped growing but I just grew up to find myself like this. I just found myself like this and I can’t question God but I keep working hard to become somebody in life. Definitely my mother must have been worried about my growth but what can she do? It has happened and she had to accept the situation the way it was. We are five children in the family including a girl and four boys. I am the last born. Two of my siblings are based in Europe, while the other two are importers. The only lady is working with an oil company.

Managing my size: As for facing discrimination on account of my size, I have never allowed that to happen. I don’t allow what people say to dictate how I see myself. Like I said earlier, I am a strong-minded person and I don’t allow certain things to bug me or weigh me down. I also try to surround myself with positive people. I wouldn’t even give anybody the chance to kill my spirit anyway.

Regret about my size: As to what I would do if I am given a medicine that will make me grow taller, I would check that very well before I decide on what to do. I pray to my God to lead and guide me always. I don’t allow my condition to weigh me down. It has never happened. I have never questioned God at any point in my life before. I can’t say this is the age I stopped growing, it’s something that just happened like that. But I won’t say I stopped growing. I only stopped growing in terms of my height. I know that my condition is similar to that of the late American actor, Gary Coleman. I don’t like talking about death and I don’t believe that I can die young.
I can’t say I have regret really because I know the dream I had for myself. I thank God for where I am today but there are some certain things which I wanted for myself which I have not yet achieved. My father is not alive today to see me become who I am and provide that fatherly guidance. With him, I know my academic ambitions would have been realised up to PhD level and so many other things I want to do. By now, I should be in a better position to take care of more people than I am doing now.

Shopping for my clothes size: I buy my jeans and other attires the same place as every adult like me. I simply look for a section where I can find my size and shop. I only get custom made clothes when I am providing the fabric material. When I shop for clothes in London, I don’t have to do so in a child-wear boutique, I simply go to a general store and pick my size. When I walk on the streets of London, the reaction I get is the same. A lot of my fans mob me and request for pictures. The only people that can be rude to me on account of my size are fans who get carried away by excitement. I try as much as possible to take pictures with fans and respond to as many as I can.

My father was killed mysteriouslyI lost my father in 1990 under a mysterious circumstance. I was very young then. I can’t really say much about him because I was still a baby when he passed on. From what I learnt, he was a trader who travels a lot and was into merchandising. He made sure that his children were well brought up. He raised us with a good moral upbringing and the fear of God. He was that kind of father. He was a tall man. I can’t say this was what killed him. He just went home and we were told that he was dead. Let me add that he was a chief in his community.
I took after him his composure and confidence. He has a mind of his own and he would tell anyone what is wrong to their face. I also took the ability to be independent and fend for myself from him.
There was no father-figure except my mother. Everything that shaped my personality, I got from my mother. She was also busy playing different roles in our lives at the same time; providing our daily bread and all that. I miss the man because I remember stories my elder ones told me about how he would discipline them. On her part my mother was not an iron lady.
I can’t recall much on how he died, but I asked them what was wrong. I just remember my mother wailing on that particular morning calling my father, Lawyer Ndigbo, a name my late father earned for being a mediator in the community. Interestingly, I had a foreboding of my father’s death in a dream. In my dream, I saw that I lost my dad. When I woke up I shared my dream with them not knowing that it had already happened the previous night. We were living in Aba but my father died in our village. I can’t say that I am a spiritualist but God has a way of communicating with me through dreams. In several other instances in my life, I had received instructions from God through dreams. I am a Catholic and I attend church regularly. I so much believe in God. I don’t mind the attention I get from fans when I attend church. I rarely go to places where my security won’t be guaranteed.

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