Saturday 3 September 2011

Daddy Showkey Attacked By Gunmen For The Second Time in A Month

It was reported HERE a few weeks ago that gunmen attacked the Nigerian music star, John Asieno a.k.a. Daddy Showkey and succeeded in killing one of his aides, Wale Sura. Well two days ago they stroke again,  hence the second time in the space of one month.
According to PM News this second attack took place at about 1.30 a.m., the gunmen couldn't gain entry through the main gates because Showkey's guard dogs barked ceaselessly to alert him and neighbours, nonetheless, the gunmen continued to shoot in the air for three hours before leaving in annoyance but promised to return again.
Showkey later reported the matter at the Ojodu Police Divisional Headquarters, and in speaking about these incidents, he said “I might be forced to take up arms against the attackers because the Ajegunle people will not watch me being killed.”

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