Sunday 7 August 2011

Wizkid "... is single, still searching for my Gidi Girl"

Hey y’all, check out my interview with one of Nigeria’s fast rising stars. Wizkid Ayo Balogun is making waves in the Nigeria mainstream music, signed with E.M.E records of which Banky W is signed in as well.
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- Hey Wizzy! How are you doing?
I’m goodie, thanks.
- It’s been a minute since you have been in the industry, how do you feel about where you are today?
Well, I’m just going to thank God for my life right now, not at d peak yet but I’m on my way to success.
- How did music start for you? Tell us how the journey began
Started in church at age 11 and I’ve been hooked since then. My parents supported me at first and they lost interest when they realised I was getting really serious wit it.
- Most Nigerian parents do not support their children when it comes to showbiz? How did they react when you told them about your music career?
As I said earlier, they supported me when I started but after a couple of months, I saw My father still has issues with what I do, but I’m sure wit time he’ll understand.
- A lot of your fans out there don’t know your real name, I’d like you to address that issue.
My name is Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun
- Let’s talk about academics, you in the university, Lead City (Ibadan Nigeria) to be precise. What is your major in Uni?
Yes, I’m in Lead City University, studying International Relations.
- Do you intend working with your degree when you are done with uni or focus on music to the extreme?
Well, time will tell, but I don’t see myself working a 9-5. that’s a ‘No no’
- What year/level are you, in the university?
My first year.
- Your career is starting off well and all your LP’s have been successful, what is the secret behind the good production and turn out of your tracks?
Well, I’ll say God because he gave me the talent in d 1st place and I would say I listen to a lot of music and dat helps my writing and I try as much as possible to make good music.
- How soon should we be expecting an album from you?
Real soon (laughs)
- Aside work how is the relationship with the E.M.E family maintained?
Banky W, Skales and I are like brothers and as you said “EME family” we family now
- Girls go buck wild when they hear your name, I know you have a lot of them at hand which is sometimes overwhelming but how do you handle them?
Because they are numerous, I can’t count! I love girls. Every boy should, I try to keep them as friends and I get along with all of them so we cool. I love all my female fans.
- Are you in a relationship as of now?
Wizkid is single, still searching for my Gidi Girl.
- Going by what people call you “Nigeria’s Justin Bieber”, what irritates you about people? Especially in the industry you are in.
I don’t hate justin Bieber oh! Infact I like his songs, well some of them, but I hate being compared and since I can’t change it, I just smile when people say that.
- Are you working on any project presently?
Obviously, working on my album and a couple of other things. Y’all will get to know soon.
- It’s been wonderful having this interview with you, rounding up, where do you see yourself in the next 5years?
God knows that but I know my name won’t be forgotten.
- Do you have any plans redefining music in Nigeria?
My (kinna) KIND music is new in this industry so a lot of things will change
- There are loads of teenagers out there looking up to you, send a message across to them, to inspire and motivate them
Put God first, be yourself,don’t do drugs,listen to older people around you, do what you love and not what your friends do.

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Twitter: ChizyK
Culled from: Sheifunmi


  1. Something about Wizkid makes me like him. The music is sweet, but the guy seems really sensible too. His parents should relax (but they never do, lol - seriously though I've had to lecture my folks to show them that I'm doing well, they need not worry, I'm a good person, I'm a big asset to society, I've read more than enough book and still readin' so what could they want for me that is superior to what I already have?) Hope the Baloguns get this memo :)

  2. i dont mind being his gidi girl i love wizkid so much

  3. they all doing great and wonderful, infact he is one in a million, love u dear.


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