Thursday 4 August 2011

Police save the life of alleged human meat eaters attacked by the public

Yesterday, two men who were alleged human eaters were saved from the wrath of the Nigerian public who had stripped them off their clothes and was about to kill them on the spot, but luckily the police came intervened in good time.
It all began when someone spotted three poorly dressed men and noticed one of them was making a call while the other one was eating meat suspected to be human flesh, so he raised an alarm which that attracted a mob. The man making the phone calls escaped, but the other two weren't so lucky. The mob searched their residence and saw in their  possession a cutlass, knives, charms and meat with fat which was suspected to be human flesh.
When the police arrived and the men were arrested, one of the suspects told them that the meat was just cow fat they were feeding on. The Police said that the case was an issue of mistaken identity and that the mobs jumped into conclusion without proper investigation, hence they advised the public to carryout proper investigation before taking action on a criminal next time.
I'm not sure why the police would encourage the public to carry out proper investigation???  
I'm i missing something here? 
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1 comment:

  1. "they advised the public to carryout proper investigation before taking action on a criminal next time" really, the public should investigate? Mob justice should not be allowed in the fist place...ish!


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