Sunday 1 July 2012

Following The Alleged Fraud Case Being Resolved, Jim Iyke Makes 5 Shout Outs

Undeniably, Jim Iyke has had a stressful year especially since the fraud allegation first emerged publicly last year. Last week it came to an end with both parties settling amicably, and it seems Jim can now move on, but before doing that, he decided to vent his feeling as a form of therapy, you know what they say, 'speak your mind and free yourself', well he did that so well in the form of tweets
"My many thx to fam friends fans 4 forging virtues in me I didn't have. Thx to haters too, 4 d absolute conviction failure wasn't an option. Tis is my vent as well as therapy. I'm gonna do 5 Michaelblackson inspired shoutouts and 5 'who am I' inspired game questions. Enjoy!! Lol! Ok! Ready? 5 shout outs! Lol! 
1. Shout out to d bleached psychopath frm d north dat went & got a tummy tuck and breast reductn to boost her ext low self esteem. 
2 Shoutout to all d sociopaths dat come onto hardwokin brodas wit bogus biz formats then resort to blackmail wh they dt get laid. Wtf! Lmao!
3Shoutout to d creeps dt turned my age to a guessin game. Kp speculating, bt will nv get it cos y'all so dim witted. D joke's on u retards!
4 shoutout to dt fag nigga bdemmy & d oda Hebitches at d bottom of d food chain wit jokes abt debt. Its biz bitches! get off my dick no homo
5 shoutout to my fakeass colleagues and friends dat smile in my face and stick a stiletto in d small of my back! My name's still IKECHUKWU!
6 D last and by no means d least. Shoutout to TeamJimIyke and all my true fans out there. Without u I'm nothing! I love y'all ferociously!!
Phew! Dat felt sooo good finally! My body don com down. Certain truths had to be told. We cont wit 'who am I' tomo. Gnite folks! Lol!"
Now that Jim is ready to move on, I wonder what his next projects will be. Last year he unveiled Clothing From His 'Untamed Closet' which opened in Abuja and last week he clinched a multimillion dollar movie deal with Invest Gambia for the production of three Gambian movies.

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