Saturday, 25 February 2012

Roadside Plantain Sellers Selling Plantain On Suit And Tie

Its amazing to realize that full grown men are selling on suit and tie. They are not just doing it the normal way, but in an advanced way.

These gentle men selling roasted plantain and hawking on  the street dressed in tie and suit. I'm sure they are graduates. This is to say there's dignity in every Labour.

The other Gentleman has been selling roasted plantain for the past two years on the pavement right in the middle of the road at Dzorwulo Junction, which is now part of the new George W. Bush Highway in Accra. He says business is booming and that he doesn't feel shy selling the roasted plantain with his suit on.

Peeps, would you do this as a graduate to devoid yourself of idleness? 

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1 comment:

  1. Thats so coool, RESPECT! thats a good way of saying that im proud to make my own living. I mean suit dosent make the man, the man make the suit, right!Love ur blog, ill def. follow u.


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