Wednesday 13 March 2013

Michelle Obama Speaks On Relationships And More

In an article that featured the wife of the current president of America, Michelle Obama; they had her speaking on dear issues to her like her husband, daughters and the general female population at large.

When asked if she knew Obama would be president when she met him, she responded “Absolutely not. I’m just kidding *laughs* I knew he was a special person, and it had nothing to do with his education or his potentials. And I say this to young women; don’t check off- there are a lot of women who have the boxes e.g. did he go to the right school? What is his income like? It was none of that. It was how he felt about his mother, the love he felt for his mother; his relationship with woman, his work ethic… he wasn't impressed with himself (in a pompous way) and he was funny. We joked a lot and he loved his little sister… he was a community organizer, I really respected that.

It was those kinds of values that made me think you don’t meet people like that often, and when you couple that with talent… he is cute you know. I always thought he would be useful, but I had no idea he would become president until the night we were standing on the stage and he actually won. I was like ‘gosh, look you won.’”

She related what she and Obama tell their daughters to help them achieve their goals “Read, write, read. Read. If the president was here, he would tell you that one of his greatest strengths is reading. That’s one of the reasons why he is a good communicator…so we are trying to get our girls, no matter what, to just be- to love reading and to challenge themselves with what they read. and not just the gossip books, but to push themselves beyond and do things that may be they wouldn't do.

So i encourage you all to read, read, read. Just keep reading. Writing is another skill, it requires a lot of practice; but the more you write, the better you get..."

Her advice for women on relationship with spouses and each other: " do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts... good relationships feel good, they feel right, they don't hurt. They are not painful. It doesn't just apply to your spouses, but to the people you surround yourselves with. Do you respect them, do they respect you? And we women in particular-and this is such an important message. Starting today, you all have to be supportive of each other, you can't be jealous and push and trip you know? It's hard enough."

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