Saturday, 23 February 2013

VIDEO: Michelle Obama Does The "Mom Dance" In A Campaign Against Obesity

I love Michelle Obama, even as the first lady, she doesn't take herself too serious. In a bid to promote anti - obesity, she debuted the "Mom Dance", and in this video, we saw the first lady go from awkward dancing to hot booty shaking, the dance moves icluded The Dougie, the Hip Bump, the Sprinkler and part of the single lady dance - classic.

I'm sure America knew there was more of the 'dancing side' of Mrs Obama after her 2009 inaugural dance. I know this is not Mrs Patience Jonathan's style of getting the job done, but I'm sure a lot of us will pay good money to see her move to the latest dance steps in tow or wouldn't you?

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1 comment:

  1. i will pay to see Mrs Jonathan move her fat body, i think she will benefit from Obama's mom dance self


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