Tuesday 11 October 2011

Ini Edo Is Now The Face of Noble Hair in Nigeria. See Picture Of The New AD

Ini Edo Is Now The Face of Noble Hair in Nigeria, and the deal which  is rumoured to be worth about N32m, is supposed to last for a period of 2years. No doubt Ini is having a good year as she recently renewed her contract with Globacomm which is worth N14.5 million.

Below is a picture of her team who together, achieved a successful photo shoot
Ini Edo and her stylist Ezinne Chinkata, her publicist Samuel Olatunji, and her make up Artist  Tinuke

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  1. Happy 4 her.... plus she looks great too

  2. good for her...but we can like to copy sha....first it was steph, now its Ini...who's next??


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