Sunday 11 September 2011

PICTURE: Olisa Of Beat FM Brutally Assaults Junior Staff + Beat FM's Press Statement

Beat FMs OAP, Olisa Adibua physically attacked Adewunmi Oyekanmi, a night news editor for sleeping on the couch after his shift, though he had been previously warned against this. The incident occurred at about 2am on September 8th when Olisa found Adewunmi sleeping on the couch and woke him up with blows and punches on his face.

It is claimed that Olisa was suspended for 4weeks afterwards but on the 9th of September, a day after the incident, Olisa is recalled to have hosted an event for Beat FM. It is also reported that Adewunmi refused to report this to the police for fear of loosing his job, but somehow the news got out to the media. Nonetheless, there are unconfirmed rumours that Olisa has threatened to sue any reporter who carries this story.

No doubt this story attracted a lot of concern from an upset and disappointed Beat FM listeners who felt Olisa didn't get enough punishment, hence, it was only a matter of hours before Adewunmi released an official statement.
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My name is Adewunmi Oyekanmi, news editor with the Beat 99.9 Fm. 
An incident occurred at my work place within the early hours of the 8th of Sep 2011 between myself and another member of staff which has been blown out of proportion in the media.

I have been wrongfully quoted in various blogs and magazines, but this will be my first official statement and the last, so please disregard anything you might have seen, heard or read.

The incident in question has been dealt with to my satisfaction by the Management of Megalectrics, operators of The Beat 99.9 Fm, in a swift and conclusive manner.
The member of staff (Mr Olisa Adibua) with whom I had the altercation with, has duly apologized most sincerely and I have accepted, based on the fact that since I started working at the station, my relationship with the said party has always been cordial and friendly.

In reference to a purported conversation between myself and an undercover reporter, I’d like to state categorically that I have never had a phone conversation or granted any interview to any media or reporter.

What transpired was an internal matter which was leaked into the public domain to create division within our corporate entity. I refuse to be used as a pawn or be labelled ‘the voiceless or oppressed’.
Megalectrics, the operators of the beat 99.9fm employed me in the capacity of news editor in July 2010, and ever since I have had no cause to complain about the working environment, my colleagues or superiors.

We operate an open system where everyone is free to speak their minds, regardless of rank of hierarchy.

Once again, I’d like to reiterate that the matter has been resolved and the member of staff has apologized for the altercation we had.

In conclusion, I would like this issue to be extinguished so I can get back to my normal every day life, as the recent publications and rumors circulating have put a strain on my family and private life.

I would like to thank the management and staff of Megalectrics for the swift and decisive response to the matter. I would also like to thank everyone who showed concern. I’d like to reassure you that I am okay and in good health as is confirmed by my attached photo.

These are my final words on the subject.
Thank you very much and God bless.  
This was followed hours later by a Press Release by Beat FM Management team:-
The attention of the management of THE BEAT 99.9FM has been drawn to widespread online and social media reports, regarding an unfortunate incident that occurred between two members of our staff on THE BEAT FM 99.9 FM premises in the early hours of Thursday September 8, 2011. 
The management team can confirm that there was an altercation between our Programmes Director Olisa Adibua and our editor Adewunmi Oyekanmi. We are fully investigating the incident and have placed Olisa Adibua on a four-week suspension as a precautionary measure while he cooperates fully with the investigation. Adewunmi Oyekanmi is also assisting us with the investigation. 
As a responsible organisation, the management of THE BEAT 99.9FM condemns any form of violence, assault and abuse, and, will not condone any such act by ANY member of staff. 
The BEAT of Lagos event that occurred on the 9th of September, in which Olisa co-hosted with our other BEAT 99.9 presenters, was a jointly staged event with a partner. This partner was made aware of the situation and still requested that we honour the existing contract with his firm which stated that all presenters, including Olisa Adibua, be present at the event. 
We assure our listeners, friends, partners and all concerned parties that decisive actions will be taken, and enforced. The management of the BEAT 99.9FM is already putting in place measures to prevent a repeat of such an unfortunate incident. 
Thank you for your understanding, 
The ManagementTHE BEAT 99.9FM
No doubt there was pressure on Adewunmi to release this statement and save the face of the company, but lets see what Beat FM does about this eventually.

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1 comment:

  1. Ah han...that beating to cause the man's face this much damage shouldn't warrant ONLY 4 weeks suspension na... this is unfair


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