Monday 15 August 2011

Pictures of Lagos in the 60's

Federal Palace Hotel


Tinubu Square
Amazing isn't it. 
It's a shame our children may never know Lagos was once a beautiful city
And if we don't take care the Lagos of tomorrow maybe worse than what we're experiencing

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  1. Hey u stole dis pics from another site without givin credit?? Too bad. U fond of it

  2. Sorry Anonymous but you are mistaken,
    I got these pictures from multiple sources after a little online research and also these picture are spread all over the internet, hence its impossible to ascertain who owns, stole or copied what, it's not as though 1 or 2 people had these pictures and we refused to reference them, they are widely spread all over the internet.
    If you go through our posts you'll se we never hesitate to reference a source where required. We even go the extra mile by adding a link to their site though we are not required to do this.
    I suggest you look around many more blogs as well as looking through our old posts, only then would you appreciate your suggestions are wrong.
    Nonetheless we appreciate the time you put into passing your concerns to us

  3. wow was and is still beautiful!


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