Sunday 14 August 2011

Download free copy of Myne Whitman's book

In July, Myne Whitman's first book, A Heart to Mend, was #1 at the top of the UK free AMAZON kindle best sellers list for romantic suspense. More than 10,000 copies of the ebook was downloaded in the irst week of the promo. The promo continues till August 15, so download your free copy of A Heart to Mend by visiting the book detail page, where you can read other people's reviews too. The Kindle ebook reading app is free and you can get it for PC, Blackverry, iPhone, Android, etc HERE

Myne Whitman is a Nigerian author writes feel-good romantic fiction that showcases Nigerian characters finding love in a Nigerian setting. A Heart to Mend was published in 2009, and her second book, A Love Rekindled followed in March 2011. Both books have been well received by an ever-increasing audienceof both Nigerian and international readers and are available in bookstores in Nigeria, UK, US, and Canada.

You can also get AHTM and ALR on online bookstores including Amazon, Smashwords, Tesco, iBookstore
 for iPad/iPod, and Nigerian stores Debonair, IqraBooks, and Kalahari.

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Twitter: ChizyK 

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